an advertisement
BOBS wants to offer a free advertising video to a company or self-employed worker. This includes analysis and video marketing strategy, directing, artistic direction, filming (* If possible, we opt for the exterior in order to comply with government sanitary measures.) And post-production.
Video format to be defined according to the objectives determined during the video marketing analysis. (maximum 5 min).
Many businesses, services, and entrepreneurs are affected by containment, even essential services may be in need of a boost to get their essential message across. The goal is to help a company in need, a start-up, a dream that needs to spread its wings, using video advertising faithful to the brand image, and highly professional.
How to participate? It is very simple;
Fill in this form; tell us about your business, your dreams, and your passion and tell us why we should choose your project? (you can also include a video *)
* We invite you to make a short video🎬 (from your cell) in addition to the form in order to know the person behind the project. Please send via Facebook messenger, Instagram, email or text: 514-993-8233
We extended the deadline, now you have until July 10th. We will announce the winner on the 12th of July.
The final video will also be shown once the project is completed.
BOBS wishes you all good luck!